Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus (1998)

Dziesmu saraksts:

1. J.A.Šulcs "Jūs bērniņi, nāciet"
2. C.Franck "Panis Angelicus"
3. French Carol "Les Anges dans Nos Campagnes"
4. G.F.Handel "Ombra Mai Fo"
5. Trad. English "I Saw Tree Ships"
6. Trad. United States "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas"
7. Trad. German Carol "Susani" 8. G.F.Handel "Joy to the World"
9. H.J.Gaunlett "Once in Royal Davids City"
10. Trad. English "Coventru Carol"
11. R.Pauls "Circenīša Ziemassvētki"
12. K.Enslin "Ring, Little Bells"
13. F.Shubert "Wingenlied"
14. J.A.Wade "Adeste Fideles" 
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